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Keto Korean Beef

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Adjust Servings:
1 Pound of Flank Beef
2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce
1 Tablespoon Sesame Oil
1 Teaspoon Fresh Ginger (Grated)
1 Clove Garlic (Minced)
1 Tablespoon Light Brown Sugar
1-2 Tablespoons Cooking Oil
1 Small Onion (Diced)
1 Large Carrot (Grated into Ribbons)
1 Tablespoon Sesame Seeds (Roasted)

Nutritional information

Protein (Grams)
Carbs (Grams)
Fat (Grams)
Fiber (Grams)
Sugar (Grams)

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Keto Korean Beef

  • Spicy

It's time to sink your teeth into an awesome beef dinner!

  • 30
  • Serves 4
  • Medium




The Best Keto Korean Beef Recipe

Simple, Quick And Just The Way You Like It

Even though there are a lot of beef recipes like this available on the Internet, we feel that this one is the best. It’s also one of the quickest dinner recipes on the entire website! Requiring very few ingredients, it has a fabulous kick and will satisfy any picky eater. Finally, it’s targeted towards all keto dieters, which means it’s also great for anyone on a low carbohydrate diet.

So, what are you waiting for? Keep on reading to discover the best Keto Korean beef recipe!

Recipe Information

First things first, with this Korean recipe it’s always best to use beef flank. This is because it will not only cook much faster, but save you time chopping up tiny chunks of meat. To save you even more time, invest in a good pair of kitchen scissors and cut the meat instead of chopping it. Trust us, once you’ve done this, you’ll never go back to chopping again! However,  if you have a hard time getting flank, you can always use mince or steak.

The flavors that we like to pair with the beef are simply out of this world. The soy sauce gives the recipe a lovely salty flavor, whilst the sugar adds an extra stickiness. If you are being very strict with your keto diet though, or are on an Atkins diet for example, it’s perfectly ok to forgo the sugar. This will eliminate the carbohydrates in the recipe, but be warned, it’ll taste very salty! Finally, the fresh ginger and garlic give this dish a great kick, whilst the carrot adds a wonderful crunch.

Nutrition Information

The figure that really stands out in the nutritional information, is the protein. Yes, you read that right. This recipe contains a massive 36 grams of protein, which is perfect for keeping your tummy satisfied until breakfast. It’s still a low-calorie dish, coming in at 364 cals, and contains a good amount of fat at 15 grams. There are 13 grams of carbohydrates and 11 grams of sugar in this recipe. However, as previously mentioned, if you forgo the sugar or just limit the amount, both of these stats will decrease.

That’s everything you need to know! Let us know how you get on in the comments or if you have any awesome flavor additions. We love to hear from you!


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Cut the beef into very thin slices across the grain - if flank isn't available, you can always cut your steak into small cubes.

In a big bowl, then mix together the soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, garlic and brown sugar. Once this is done, add the beef to the sauce mixture and give each piece a really good coat. No overnight marinating is needed, just leave the beef in the sauce whilst you're preparing the vegetables.

All that needs doing to the veg is dicing the onion and if possible, grating the carrots into lovely ribbons.



In a wok or large saute pan, turn the heat up to a medium temperature. When this is done, add the cooking oil carefully so it doesn't spit and cook the onions until soft. Immediately switch the heat to high and add the beef, making sure to toss the pan occasionally to give every piece the chance to cook. We suggest cooking the meat until it's barely pink, but this is entirely dependent on your preferences.


Finishing Touches

If you like your carrot raw, add this to the mixture once cooked. However, we recommend adding the carrot and cooking with the meat for 1-2 minutes, just so it's softened, but still crunchy. Finally, serve the dish with some toasted sesame seeds and you're good to go!

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