Minced Beef (15% Fat) Keto Recipes | The Keto Cookbook https://theketocookbook.com/ingredient/minced-beef-15-fat/ Only the Best Keto Recipes Mon, 25 Jun 2018 13:37:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Bacon Wrapped Cheese Stuffed Hamburgers https://theketocookbook.com/keto-recipes/bacon-wrapped-cheese-stuffed-hamburgers/ https://theketocookbook.com/keto-recipes/bacon-wrapped-cheese-stuffed-hamburgers/#comments Fri, 11 May 2018 13:05:03 +0000 https://theketocookbook.com/?post_type=osetin_recipe&p=1479 The Best Bacon Wrapped Cheese Stuffed Hamburgers Meat Lovers Rejoice! Hamburgers have to be one of America’s greatest discoveries! And this recipe, the best bacon wrapped cheese stuffed hamburgers recipe around, takes the simple burger to the next level. Simply described, they are a mixture of ground beef, bacon and cheese, bound together in a...

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The Best Bacon Wrapped Cheese Stuffed Hamburgers

Meat Lovers Rejoice!

Hamburgers have to be one of America’s greatest discoveries! And this recipe, the best bacon wrapped cheese stuffed hamburgers recipe around, takes the simple burger to the next level. Simply described, they are a mixture of ground beef, bacon and cheese, bound together in a ball of keto deliciousness! And what’s even better, is you can enjoy them whilst being on a ketogenic diet. If you like, you can wrap them up in a nice piece of lettuce, or, if you can’t wait, just tuck right in with a knife and fork!

Recipe Information

Regarding ingredients, this recipe is very simple. You only need four, which are minced beef, cheddar cheese, bacon and seasoning. We like to just use salt and pepper, but feel free to add anything you like, such as Italian herbs or cayenne pepper for a bit of spice. Also, the greatest thing about these ingredients is you’ll probably already have some to hand and if you don’t, they’re some of the easiest things to find in your local store.

These tasty patties take around 10 minutes to prepare and 25-30 mins to cook, which is great. If you like really crispy bacon, leave them in the oven until they cook to your required taste. Honestly, though, once they looked cooked, it’s hard to resist taking them out of the oven and serving them on a plate!

Nutritional Information

Ok, you’re going to have to hear me out on this one. The calories in each burger are borderline ridiculous. Because if you follow this recipe exactly, you are looking at nearly 900 calories. Not great if you’re following a calorie-controlled diet. But our website is dedicated to those following a low carbohydrate and high protein diet, specifically keto or Atkins. So, in that case, these are perfect.

You are getting are not only getting 75g of fat but a HUGE 61g of protein! I genuinely don’t think I can think of a recipe that contains that must protein. That amount of protein could keep you going for hours and hours and hours and … you get the point! And with just 2g of carbs, these really are the ultimate keto dinner.

One little thing though, do try not to eat these every day! Maybe save them as a monthly treat for when you’re almost losing yourself to cravings and are in need of ultimate junk food. Saying that though, you can easily cut down the calories by using a little less bacon, much leaner beef (such as 5% fat, we used 15% fat) and a little less cheese. Please don’t be tempted to reach for “light” cheese though. These types of cheeses have basically no nutritional value and the amount of protein you consume will go right down.

The post Bacon Wrapped Cheese Stuffed Hamburgers appeared first on The Keto Cookbook.

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