8 Keto Kitchen Essentials We Couldn’t Live Without!
Let’s be honest, it does require some effort to keep up this way of eating. To ensure that you are never in a situation where the only food available is carb loaded takes careful planning and meticulous preparation. There are however some items that can make your meal prep a whole lot easier. There are also some items that are just pure fun for all us keto dieters, like the NutriChef Raclette Cheese Melter, for example.
So without further ado, here is our list of products that we could absolutely not live without in our keto kitchen!
Table of Contents
Food Processor
This is the one item we could definitely not live without! Since going keto I use my food processor at least once a day, and it is great for making cauli-rice, or for mixing your bullet proof coffee! Our pick is the Cuisinart Mini, because it does an excellent job, but it is also amazing value. It is only $38 on Amazon, and has over 3,000 positive reviews, so you know you are getting quality! I was tempted to upgrade to a more expensive, larger model, but for now I really don’t have the need. This does the job perfectly!
Slow Cooker 
Next on our list is another absolute essential for anyone on the keto diet, the slow cooker. Prepping your meals in advance can be time consuming, so it’s nice to have a device where you can just throw in a load of ingredients and walk away, only to return to a delicious meal. Some of our favourite meals come from the slow cooker, and use it to cook just about anything, from short ribs to a whole chicken to the infamous ‘Crack Chicken’.
Our featured slow cooker is from the Crock Pot range, and it beats off some of it’s cheaper competition as it has a programmable timer. This is a godsend, as you can leave it alone and not worry about the house being burned down if you can’t make it back on time.
Immersion Blender
This is another essential kitchen item that we could not live without! On keto there is a lot of blending brother, beating eggs, whipping cream etc. so this really helps to take a load off. We are recommending the Cuisine Art blender simply because it is the one we use and it hasn’t steered us wrong. It is simple to use, pretty cheap, and has tons of positive reviews on Amazon (which is the reason we bought it in the first place).
Vegetable Spiralizer
These little gadgets are super handy for spiralizing anything you wish! Courgette, cucumber, zucchini etc. Of course you can buy these veg pre-spiralled in the store, but they are never as good as when you freshly cut them yourself, and also cost a few bucks extra for every portion.
Personal Cheese Melter
While this little gadget probably wouldn’t quite be defined as ‘essential’, it most definitely would be called ‘frickin awesome!!!’
This beauty took the internet by storm over the last couple of months, and we had to try it out. This particular brand, the Boska Partyclette, is getting scarce but we managed to get our hands on one and it is so fun, and great if you have guests over. Do we use it every day? No. Every week? Without a doubt yes we do.
Cast Iron Skillet
Whether you are on Keto or not, this is a must have for every kitchen. No more flimsy pans when you have one of these bad boys. No more Teflon covered crap clogging up your kitchen. Ever think about where that Teflon goes after it has been scraped from the pan? Where does it end up? Exactly. Don’t be a sucker and join the cast iron revolution!
Chef’s Knife
Another essential regardless of your diet. A proper chef’s knife will make your life a hell of a lot easier around the kitchen. Makes cutting so much easier than sawing trough foods with your blunt piece of crap. You also have to use less force, so the chances of you slipping and chopping off your fingers is greatly reduced. Whats not to like!
Kitchen Scales
When you are on a keto diet, chances are you will be weighing your food…..a lot! At least in the beginning. After a while you get better at judging amounts, but that only happens if you measure meticulously at the start. You often read questions from people wondering why they aren’t in ketosis when their diet is spot on. The reason more often than not is they are simply guessing the weight of things instead of measuring accurately. Don’t make this mistake, and get a scales today.
What products couldn’t you live without? Let us know in the comments!