1.5 Tbsp Melted Butter
3 Tbsp Almond Flour
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
1 Egg
The Best Keto Burger Buns Recipe
Often when you’re on a diet, you feel like you’re missing out on the tasty foods the rest of the world is enjoying. You start noticing fast food adverts more. You gaze through the window of restaurants, desperate for a bit of what they’re serving. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Because here at The Keto Cookbook we feel you should still be able to enjoy the food you love. By substituting some of the ingredients, you can still indulge without even realizing it’s healthy.
This keto burger buns recipe is one of the best around. The buns contain almond flour, so they’re not only gluten-free but low in carbohydrates. This is perfect for the growing number of people that are suffering from food intolerances and also those that are following diets such as keto. These buns are also much healthier than bread. Almonds contain a ton of healthy fats and fiber, and even vitamins such as vitamin E. It’s also packed full of protein so unlike normal bread which will leave you hungry hours later, these buns definitely won’t.
What’s even better about this recipe, is that it’s quick and simple. If you have a food processor or blender, it’s very easy to grind down almonds and create your own flour. However, it’s even easier to head down to the local store and purchase almond flour instead. If you’ve never heard of it and think it’s difficult to purchase, don’t worry, it’s become much more widely available in the last few years and it’s very easy to get your hands on it.
These buns are a great recipe for serving on Memorial Day, but they are also a wonderful substitute if all you’re craving is a tasty burger!
Time to get cooking!
In a 2 cup pyrex, anchor or large coffee cup microwave safe container melt 1.5 tbsp butter in the microwave for 30 seconds. |
Mix in 3 Tbsp Almond Flour, 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder and 1 egg. Mix until smooth. Place in microwave for 90 seconds. |
Let cool for about 5 minutes. Slice and toast in a toaster or on the stove or oven. |